Class WebsocketBroadcastServer

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class WebsocketBroadcastServer : public O3DS::Websocket

Public Types

typedef std::set<connection_hdl, std::owner_less<connection_hdl>> TConnectionList

Public Functions

virtual void stop() override
virtual bool start(const char *url) override

Starts the connector, often using nng_dial or nng_listen.

virtual bool write(const char *data, size_t len) override

Write bytes - len is the size of data.

virtual size_t read(char *data, size_t len) override

Read bytes - len is the fixed size of buffer, returns the number of bytes read.

virtual size_t read(char **data, size_t *len) override

Read a message, realloc and rezie *data if needed. If the buffer is reszied, len will be updated. Returns the size of the message, which may be less than the buffer size

inline void onOpen(connection_hdl hdl)
inline void onClose(connection_hdl hdl)
inline void onMessage(connection_hdl hdl, server::message_ptr msg)

Public Members

server mServer
TConnectionList mConnections