Template Class Matrix

Class Documentation

template<typename T>
class Matrix

A templated 4x4 matrix for transform operations.

class Matrix math.h o3ds\math.h

Public Functions

inline Matrix(T m11, T m12, T m13, T m14, T m21, T m22, T m23, T m24, T m31, T m32, T m33, T m34, T m41, T m42, T m43, T m44)
inline Matrix()
inline Matrix(T value[])
inline double &operator()(int u, int v)
inline const Matrix Transpose() const
inline const Vector4<T> GetTranslation()
inline const Matrix Inverse()

Contructs a new matrix as the inverse of this matrix.

inline Vector4<T> GetQuaternion()

Public Members

T m[4][4]

Public Static Functions

static inline const Matrix TranslateXYZ(T tx, T ty, T tz)
static inline Matrix TranslateXYZ(Vector3<T> v)
static inline const Matrix RotateX(T a)
static inline const Matrix RotateY(T a)
static inline const Matrix RotateZ(T a)
static inline const Matrix Quaternion(Vector4<T> q)
static inline const Matrix Scale(Vector3<T> s)