Utilities ========= - :ref:`exhale_function_getTime_8cpp_1a0e47c74b5a3e6246b9936d96ff4c66b1` Math ---- - :ref:`exhale_class_classO3DS_1_1Vector4` - :ref:`exhale_class_classO3DS_1_1Matrix` Apps ---- **Repeater** The repeater (apps/Repeater) listens for incoming data using a ServerPair connector and publishes on using a Publish/Subscribe. This can be run on a public internet node to allow a source to broadcast data out to many clients without needing to configure firewall ports or set up a vpn. See apps/repeater/main.cpp for more information **FbxStream** This application as a way to broadcast a fbx file playing on loop. It is useful for testing connectivity. usage: fbxstream file.fbx protocol url Protocol can be pub, client or server see apps/FbxStream/main.cpp